I found this picture on IBAMA's website. IBAMA is the Brazilian federal ministry of environmental protection. They are responsible for all wildlife and wildlife reserves in the country.
My brother-in-law, Osmar Cantelmo, is one of their main guys in the developing of sport fishing in Brazil.
This Jaú (Zungaro zungaro) or Giant Catfish was caught by Antônio Neves of São Paulo while fishing on the Apa River. It weighed
60 kg (132 lbs) and Antônio used a minhocuçu as bait. This snake-like worm is the most common live bait used in Brazil. Most breeds of catfish, such as Jaú, Bagre and Pintado will hit it readily as well as Pacu and occaisionally Piranhas. We always have plenty minhocuçu on hand for our anglers. By the way, Antônio released this fish right after the photo was taken. Many thanks Antônio!
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