Monday, January 22, 2007

Independent British Conservation Group Buys Portion Of The Pantanal To Create Reserve

The World Land Trust has recently purchased 3,600 hectacres of land in the Paraguayan region of the Pantanal. The Sid Templer Reserve is designed to preserve this area as a wildlife refuge. The Paraguayan side of the Pantanal has largely been encroached on my farmers and cattlemen, destroying much of the vegetation and habitat for the region's wildlife.

Paraguay has been much more lax than Brazil in it's protection of wetlands and nature reserves. Hence private non-profit groups have had to step in.
In 1981 a federal decree was made for the establishment of the Pantanal Matogrossense National Park, preserving over 180,000 hectacres of wilderness here in Brazil. I have been to PMNP and it is absolutely gorgeous. We will accommodate any group traveling with us who desires to visit the park and you should definitely choose to do so.
Our hats are off to World Land Trust for moving forward when governments won't or can't. After visiting the Pantanal for yourself, you'll understand why this wetland must be protected for the future.

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